Kids On Computers

St. Paul

The school building at St. Paul is identical to the one at Mwebaza Annex, and includes solar panels and rainwater collection tanks installed by Mwebaza Foundation. The school is in a remote area of Uganda, a few miles from the north shore of Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa, and about a 3 hour drive from Mwebaza’s other schools in the Kampala area. Learn more about St. Paul from the Mwebaza website.

Mwebaza St. Paul School, Nkokonjeru, Uganda


Volunteers from Mwebaza Foundation and Kids on Computers spent several days in the area of Nkokonjeru in August of 2019 to set up the computer lab at Mwebaza’s St. Paul school. The lab has 15 workstations and a 256GB offline media server from Internet in a Box. Each workstation is a Raspberry Pi 3B+ running Raspbian and includes applications like GCompris, Tux Math, Tux Typing, Libre Office, and other educational software. Free educational content such as Khan Academy videos, Wikipedia, educational books and PDFs, and other materials are available on the media server via wifi.


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January 2020 Update:

This school is located far away from Kampala in the areas of Nkokonjeru and it runs from the nursery section to Primary 4

I always travel to this school every Friday for the computer lessons. Kids in this area were totally illiterate about computers and at times some of them even cried when we made them to sit on a computer. This gave me a little bit of some challenge and I was forced to handle them by groups not by classes and since the population here is around 40kids I used to have two groups.

For this school the kids are almost n the same level in the computer lessons since I have limited time with them. However there are some who are more interested than others who always make me live late because they want to consult me.

Kid in the nkokonjeru school  by the end of last term they were able to boot a computer, and with the aid of the Tux typing program the Kids were able to learn some special keys on a keyboard.

On top of the kids I also handle the teacher after the kids and by the time I last met them they were able to edit a sentence in libra office writer, and creating their own folder in any location.

Besides the Mwebaza schools I also have my friends who picked interest in the Linux system and I always labour hard with the aid of my laptop you donated to me to see that they learn Linux. However we move a little bit slow because we only have on laptop but God willingly we shall finish up

  • Mbogo Umar

Location: Nkokonjeru, Wakiso District, Central Region